Radical Freedom
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Radical Freedom
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Are you still under pressure even when no one is around?
Are you manipulating yourself to do what you already want to do?
Are you still being adaptive to voices in your head?
Radical Freedom is about leaving all that childhood and adolescence Survival Strategy stuff behind,
and starting over at Absolute Zero on your own Path.
We did not know about Radical Freedom before, or we would have told you.
It took us this long to figure it out.
See you whenever you are ready.
Map of Radical Freedom
Radical Freedom
We are discovering the necessity and value of relocating your Point Of Origin outside of the contextof the culture in which you learned to survive (family, school, church, sports, politics, work) and into an unlimitedhuman space called Radical Freedom.
The transformational process of relocating your Point Of Origin into Radical Freedom begins a life you could call your own.
Previous to Radical Freedom there is no space for you except behind the walls of your Survival Strategy Box.
Until you create time and space in the real world for your Being to be unlimited, to express itself full out,to explore in forbidden territories, to break the rules, and to build out a culture you would love to live in, your Being has neither the energy nor the free Attention to serve your Archetypal Lineage or your Bright Principles.
If your Archetypal Lineage gave you a job to do that requires:
· courage beyond bravado
· intelligence beyond passingschool tests with memorized ‘right’ answers
· creation beyond ‘thearts’, and
· inspiration beyondInstagramyou would run out of fuel before you even got halfway down the runway.
If you are stretched to the max trying to fake it as a human being in modern society, any further request seems grossly unfair.
If you invest all your efforts into being adaptive to meet the requirements of others, what is left to feed your own Being? Nothing! You keep scraping the bottom of the barrel only to come up with a handful of goopy dregs.
The Linear Life Plan is to get born, go to school,go to the next school, get a job, buy a car, get married, have kids, buy a house, buy your next car, go to your next job, start your own business, retire, go to an old people’s home, and die.
More and more Possibilitators are stepping sidewaysout of the Linear Life Plan and into Radical Freedom where life feeds yoursoul instead of draining you.
In Radical Freedom, Free And NaturalAdulthood emerges step-by-step along your Path of Emotional Healing Processes (EHP) and Authentic Adulthood Initiations.
If you force yourself to ‘evolve’, to ‘practice’, to ‘experiment’, to fit into a ‘program’, to match an image of being a ‘Responsible Adult’, or worse yet, an image of
being a ‘Possibilitator’, trying to be someone who is ‘doing’ Possibility Management… you have just dug yourself into a Gremlin Hell World of Self Abuse.This is NOT the way.
We invite you to let that world disintegrate into the toothpicks, rubber bands, and paper mâché out of which you built it. If you exit your pretend show
effectively, the transformation will be rather quick and pain free. And then…And then there is nothing. Finally! Nothing!
Then you can breathe. Then you can come together inside of yourself and notice what is actually going on around you.
Then you can start over.
Yes, your outdated original thoughtware will automatically arise, trying to cause you desperatefears… “But I need money to live!” You can feel the claws of it trying to hold you back, yet you have the power to let the old thoughtware crash too. Patriarchy teaches you to be afraid of your fear so that you never find the
edge, exactly the place where you find an abundance of new thoughtware to explore.From now on, forever, what remains is only what you invent.
Radical Freedom is a fresh white-board to inhabit as long as necessary until something from deep in the anger of your bones ignites and moves youto create what you came here to create.
Suddenly Practice makes sense because itis the way you feed yourself. Distinctions and Context take center stage because they form the framework of your projects and your Bridge-House.
Yet all the while, Radical Freedom remains, undisturbed. It is your center, your Point Of Origin.
Once you enter Radical Freedom it can never go away. Like Radical Responsibility, or Radical Relating, Radical Freedom becomes your new home. It is the fountain out of which your real life flows.
Evolution Of Freedom
"I should," "I have to," "I can't," "I must," are stories
that send your Bullshit Detector to 100%
The interlude time of 'Radical Freedom' between adolescence and beginning your Adulthood initiations
continues for as long as your Being needs it to.
You just started Radical Freedom.
Have Fun!
You may not yet be fully born.
Given modern culture pregnancy and birthing practices, the probability is that you are not fully born.
Here are a few approaches that may feel resonant to you to help you more fully land in all 5 Bodies in your life on Earth:
1. It is possible that your Agreement to be born is not clear for you. Your confusion about this could have occurred while preparing to leave your Circle of Beings in the Energetic Domains before entering your body in your mother's body, or it could have occurred during your birth process. For example:
- Not having decided that you are ready to be born yet and they do a Cesarian Birth surgery on your mother and violently take you out of her before you are decided.
- Not yet having decided that you are ready to leave the warm safe womb of your mother and be born and contractions started earlier than you were prepared for so you started to struggle against it.
- Not having completed your process of understanding - and grieving the death and decomposition of - your twin brother or sister that neither your mother or the doctors knew about, but whom you knew more intimately than it will ever be possible to be with any other human being alive on Earth. Not having had the chance to understand what happened, why they died. Not having had the chance to say goodbye to them.
- Having fears of your father or brothers or sisters which give you doubts about being prepared enough to make the Boundaries and Negotiations and Proposals for being born into a family with them.
- Having forgotten your Mission for being born during the incarnation process (entering the meat), so not having enthusiasm for bringing your Mission as your life purpose on Earth.
Each of these above conditions can be transformed, completed, or healed during an Emotional Healing Process (EHP), keeping in mind that it is possible that any of these conditions are significant enough that a single Process may have several layers to go through before it is completed.
2. 'As Is' your Birth experiences. The Birth Process is one of the 15 or so Floor Processes which you can do in person with someone during a Possibility Coaching session, as long as the Coach has experienced this process themselves.
3. Holdings Three months of 20 minute once or twice per week can repair that you were not held enough as a baby.
4. Finish Being Born Your birth may be incomplete, undigested, or unintegrated. You may not have been able to own your Decision to be born. The Finish Being Born Process can do this for you.
5. Calling The Being Through Modern culture imagines birth to be the birth of your body and the birth of your mind. Your other three bodies (energetic, emotional, archetypal) are not recognized, so therefore not invited, not welcomed. By default they are banished. You are born crippled and incomplete. The greatest failure of modern culture birthing is that your Being is neither recognized nor welcomed. In contrast, birth practices in the Himba Tribe include creating a song for your Being as soon as you enter the body in your mother's belly. The tribe memorizes your Being's song, and comes together to sing it to you while you are still in your mother's belly. They sing your Being's Song as you are being born. They already know the gifts and services you will be bringing to the Tribe, and what sort of educational experiences and training you will need to activate your Being's Nonmaterial Value. Whenever you lose your way, the Tribe does not punish you. Instead they all come together around you and sing your Being's Song until you remember who you are and what you are doing here and get back on track with yourself. The difference between what modern culture provides you with as a birth experience and what you actually require to be born is so vast, that we have created a Process to help call your Being through into this world so you can be here.
6. Centering The Being So many distractions and survival needs in the modern world take you away from yourself that you can become severely out of balance and not even recognize this. Living away from yourself can go on for years, decades. It can be important to do the Centering The Being Process to bring you back to yourself and start over again, more in alignment with your Mission.
First things first: finish being born. After that you can more effectively enter and Navigate what your childhood and adolescence were for you when you enter Radical Freedom.
Whatever society exists around you has rules and traditions. Society has a theory about what you are and who you need to be for this society to be successful in its current design.
Society tells you what life is, and who you are supposed to be in that life.
Since modern culture uses hierarchical power structures, modern culture has been taken over by psychopaths.
Psychopaths are running your local, regional, national and international governments.
Psychopaths are running schools, religions, military, finance, medicine, agriculture, business, NGOs, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, the church choir... you name it. Anything with a hierarchy has become a playground for psychopaths.
Hierarchy may be a design error, but it is still the current societal design that you were born into. Even indigenous cultures from 20,000 years ago are patriarchal and hierarchical. But these culture implement formidable Adulthood Initiatory Processes during which time their psychopaths are detected and forbidden to take positions of power in the tribe. Psychopaths usually die during authentic Initiations. Their dead bodies are carried back honorably to the village, respected for having at least tried to become human.
What this means for you is that, unless you are a psychopath, society is a hell world.
Everywhere you look, everything you try to come alive is controlled by psychopathic game rules.
These unspoken ubiquitous hell-world conditions force you to try to survive with your most desperate weapons, namely, your own Gremlin.
Childhood and adolescence consist largely of your Gremlin trying to survive in a Gremlin world. It may be exciting for your Gremlin - your Gremlin may feel challenged to Win or Lose - but this is all Low Drama. It is your Survival Strategy at work. This is not life.
Your childhood and adolescent life has been occupied by Gremlin activities. You have not actually gotten to be in life.
By the end of adolescence, you have not yet been fully born and have not yet begun living. You have only been surviving. This is no time to try to force yourself to suddenly leap into Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes.
You do not have the matrix for facing initiations.
Your Being knows that A Life Of Practice is not fair. Your Being has had no chance to come alive in the world. It is not ready to 'grow up' yet.
Not having had the Metaconversation that childhood and adolescence in modern culture is, in reality, a hell-world, may lead you to think that things are as they should be. But they are not.
Gaia provided human beings with a 5-Body organic system sophisticated enough to have Free Will. What have human beings done with this? We organized ourselves into hiararchical power structures that are taken over by psychopaths whose first action is to forbid the authentic adulthood initiatory processes that detect and kill psychopaths. For the past 10,000 years, this is human history.
At this moment in time, the time of global warming, climate change, and peak oil (peak everything, actually), if you want an authentic adulthood initiatory process, you must locate and go beyond the thoughtware limitations of modern culture.
Modern culture is centered on Child Level Responsibility, because the culture promotes making horrendous messes with no requirement at all to ever clean them up. Initiations begin at Adult level Responsibility.
Those few individuals courageous enough to step over modern culture's awarness limitations and locate adulthood initiatory processes, are not prepared to begin initiations. Previous to now, they have had no map for what to do instead.
It is a mistake to try to force yourself to accomplish and learn from authentic adulthood initiatory processes before you inhabit and activate yourself. If you cannot be Present as yourself, your Choices, Declarations, Creations etc. are inauthentic. They are conceptual imaginations or fantasies rather than true efforts that have a chance of success.
Skillfully beginning and completing authentic adulthood initiations depends on being prepared. Modern culture does nothing to prepare you for initiation.
Modern culture trains you to believe there is no such thing as initiation, that you become adult by turning eighteen years old, getting a driver's license, being allowed to vote, drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, join the army, and watch porn. But this only promotes Gremlin Survival Strategies, and does nothing to prepare you to live life as an initiated adult human being.
The idea that it is possible to leap out of Gremlin-contexted survival directly into authentic adulthood initiations is foolish and naive. Efforts to heal, transform, practice, change, take responsibility, become more aware, and grow up have no basis in a Gremlin-contexted world. Something completely different is needed for an unspecified period of time. What is missing is a repreive, a safe space, downtime... an unspecified amount of pressureless time reserved for self-recovery.
In reality, you do not even know what your favorite flavor of ice cream is.
You don't even know how long to leave the dishes stack up before it is time for you to wash them.
Without calibrating your Compass Of Reality and Building Matrix for Presence, adulthood initiations are a Fantasy World.
Even your Being will sabotage and undermine the efforts and sacrifices needed to grow up because you have not yet come to life.
You have not yet experienced Radical Freedom.
Radical Freedom is reality without any attachments or constraints. It is just this. It is the Gap In Space between adolescence and the beginning of initiations to Adulthood.
Once you can breathe and see and hear and speak and stand on your own two feet, once you can look around and Notice things and start to think, the world opens up to your power of Creation. You have become the Source of your own Free Will. From Gaia's perspective, this is what you are designed to be: a creative collaborator. Radical Freedom is your Doorway to interacting with the world.
Childhood and adolescence are simply the necessary tunnel to get to the beginning of human personhood.
In Radical Freedom, nothing constrains you anymore. Nothing forces you. This is the actual beginning of life. Not childhood!
Radical Freedom is the proposal to enter an undefined time between surviving childhood / school / adolescence, and beginning authentic adulthood initiations. This is a time in which a person leaves home yet is not in university or a job. It is a time of experimentation and self discovery.
(Please keep in mind that even if you are 48 or 65 years old, you may still be in this time of your life. It may still be necessary for you to leave behind your Survival Strategies and not yet take up responsibilities. It may be appropriate to make the time for Radical Freedom before ernestly engaging Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes and Practices. One indicator of this is if your previous attempts at adulthood initiations did not stick, or were somehow undermined by a Hidden Competing Commitment to fail, to take Revenge on your parents or the school system, or a sense of not yet coming to childhood's end.)
In this interlude space of Radical Freedom, you can figure out what you are and what you came here to create. You can completely play around, fail over and over without worry, do Experiments, make wildly ridiculous Proposals, formulate a Gameplan, make lots of mistakes, engage Your Quest, and fully enjoy Earth.
Do you love to surf? You don't know yet. It was not the undefended 'you' out there on the board facing the waves.
Are you a singer? You haven't sung full out with no one judging you, so you don't know.
What are your Knacks? You don't know. You have been too afraid of being judged as 'crazy' or 'weird' if you played around with them.
What is your favorite kind of pie? No idea. It was never you who ate pie before. It was your Survival Strategy that ate the pie.
Radical Freedom is the 'Zero Point' where Gaia intends for you to explore all that there is. Is is called 'Zero Point' because all that is not real or is no longer necessary falls away. There might not be much left standing, but it is enough to be on Earth.
Welcome to life on Earth! You can begin exploring now.
Until you are Centered, Grounded, and Bubbled at the Zero Point, authentic adulthood initiatory processes can only be perceived as self-torture, self-abuse. You would have to force yourself to do them, and pressure yourself to practice them. Initiation makes you capable of more responsibility and consciousness, ripping away the space and freedoms you never even got to try out yet.
Before now, space and freedom were not even possible. You have since birth been a slave and a prisoner. How can you give up space and freedom when you never really had them?
Phase 3 is to locate your entire self with all your dimensions at this Zero Point space of Radical Freedom.
Birth, childhood, and adolescence naturally fall completely off of you, like the dead skin off the back of a lizard - as if it never existed. You get to start from nothing now. You are brand new!
Think of yourself as a Model T Ford car being made on the production line. People are drilling you, hammering you, bolting on weird peices of metal, painting you, filling you with gasoline, installing a battery, sparking your insides on fire so they explode so many times, so fast.
But now, the fabrication is over. You roll off the production line and it is quiet. Nothing is happening. You are a finished Model T Ford. You are running just fine.
All that pain and torture of birth, childhood, and adolescence is like a bad dream. All the other Model T Fords fresh off the assembly line had to go through the same sort of tortures as you to come alive. You now have this opportunity of being a real Model T Ford. The whole world stretches out before you in every direction.
You get to start over at this open space, this clearing, empty of everything from your past and everything from your future.
What is here now? Nothing.
What is possible now? Everything.
What are you? You are a 4-wheel drive Landrover that could drive anywhere, but is not yet driving.
You are a pen that could write anything, but is not yet writing.
Why aren't you driving or writing? Because you have not inhabited yourself yet. You have not arrived at realizing your Radical Freedom yet.
You won't arrive there and inhabit it until you take her to sea and play full out. What about taking her to sea, now?
Radical Freedom is inhabiting yourself with anything you want to inhabit yourself with, and getting rid of ALL the rest of the stuff! (Stuff such as: Baggage. Parts. Beliefs. Resentment. Conclusions. Stories. Memetic Constructs.)
NOTE: This is NOT a time of Gremlin indulgence. You already had eighteen or twenty years of Gremlin indulgence time. It cost you a lot to be forced to put Gremlin in the driver's seat to merely survive, but that time is over now. Now you can live.
Radical Freedom is time to stand up and breathe, to discover Radical Presence, to connect ecstatically with Gaia, to see what the whole world really is, without pressure, without external authorities.
You start over, Debaptized, without Beliefs, without S.H.I.T. thoughtware, without Expectations at all. Nothing. This is the Zero Point.
You throw away all the other people's eyeglasses and look at what is in front of you and what is possible with your own fresh clear eyes and heart and mind and Potential and Being.
You give birth to your own Authority.
Radical Freedom has a beginning, but it never comes to an end.
Radical Freedom goes on for as long as you (the Being) need it to.
Whenever you are ready, you have the power to recontextualize Radical Freedom to a new Purpose, moving into Agency with your Archetypal Lineage.
But you never have to do this. It never becomes a must. Moving beyond Radical Freedom is optional.
Radical Freedom becomes the foundation upon which you stand to go to the next level, if you want to... a transition usually initialized by getting a bit bored of only serving yourself. Something tantalizes you to get involved in creatively collaborating with Archetypal forces of the Universe that are (and have always been) right here, waiting for you to show up to Play Full Out in High Level Fun.
Since this is a website about Radical Freedom, the idea that there exist authentic adulthood initiatory processes for the 21st Century which empower you as a Radically Responsible inventor of the regenerative culture of Archiarchy is enough for know. Now you have heard that Initiations exist.
If you ever need an authentic adulthood initiatory process, simply go to the edge and stay there without reflexively bouncing back into the marshmallow comfort zones of modern culture. One will find you.
The point of becoming an initiator is twofold:
- Be the space through which your Archetypal Lineage can deliver its Nonmaterial Value to the world.
- Replace yourself at your current level of competence delivering authentic adulthood initiatory processes.
This throws you into the Flow.
Getting rid of so much Baggage that you slip through the Eye Of The Needle can feel like death.
It is the death of a way of life.
At some point you might become interested in starting to face whichever of the 4 Enemies currently has you pinned to the wall.
Until that point, at least you know there is a thoughtmap...
STARR: Radical Freedom
Become a member to get unlimited access and support the voices you want to hear more from.
Archan Pathwalkers Possibilitator Training
with Luís Trindade, Sónia Gonçalves, Devin Gleeson, Daway Chou-Ren and Clinton Callahan.
Hints For Radical Freedom
experimental guidelines for how to create and explore radical freedom
It can be tremendously Fun to explore planet Earth, with all her natural beauty, astonishing variety of people, vastness of the oceans, caves, canyons...
The intensity of Fun that emerges from exploring Earth with a small Team of friends in a 3Cell or Possibility Team or Bridge-House can hardly be expressed.
What about having that much High Level Fun yourself?
Radical Freedom Bridge-House
Archiarchal Women Nomadic Bridge-House
If you pressure yourself into doing what you already want to do, you are in prison.
- Clinton Callahan
Radical Freedom Experiments
Radical Freedom is radical pressurlessness.
Who are you when there is Zero pressure?
(There is not even any pressure to figure that out!)
Radical Freedom is chaordic.
Eventually, one way or another, it figures you out by itself.
Matrix Code RADFREED.01
Every element of existence that burdens you, interferes, or blocks Radical Freedom is empowered by a Reason that you Believe to be true.
Part 1: Please get out your Beep! Book, title a new page REASONS AGAINST RADICAL FREEDOM. Starting on that page, list 100 excuses or distractions from taking Radical Freedom in your life. For each excuse, list at least one Reason that you believe to be truly effecting you, and the evidence you use for Believing in the validity of that Reason.
Be Radically Honest and thorough in your Self Observation.
After you have listed as least 50 of your 100 Reasons, then begin Part 2 of this Experiment.
Part 2: Bring your list of REASONS AGAINST RADICAL FREEDOM to your Possibility Team, and ask for time to go through the first 10 Reasons on your list. Read your excuse or distraction, your Reason, and then your evidence. Ask your Possibility Team to devise one or more Experiments that you can do to test the validity of your evidence, with the promise from you that you will do each and every of the Experiments they create for you - or else you are wasting their time and their trust in you.
After listing your 100 Reasons and doing your 100 Experiments (which will take several months up to a year or more to do) please enter Matrix Code RADFREED.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. For the Proof, please list your most difficult Reason. This Experiment is worth 100 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code RADFREED.02
Your Memetic Construct consists of the uninspected conclusions still functioning as part of your childhood Survival Strategy. Your outdated Memetic Construct is in the way of Radical Freedom because it determines what you perceive, what you think and feel about what you perceive, and what you are able to create and navigate.
Up until now, you have not owned your Memetic Construct. Instead, your Memetic Construct owns you. It is a dead mechanical device that reacts in the same way every time it gets activated.
This experiment is about becoming fiercely aware of precisely how the parts of your Memetic Construct trigger one another and work together, so that you get out of the dead mechanical reactivity of your Memetic Construct's survival strategy.
For an entire week, notice and write down on a dedicated page in your Beep! Book what you perceive, what you think and feel about what you perceive, and how it limits what you can create, how you can move, how you can act. Describe in precise detail how exactly the mechanics of your construct work. Once you have an accurate description of your Memetic Construct, you stand outside of it and are disidentified from it.
Keep noticing where your ideas come from. If they come from your construct, see them as 'thoughts from the construct'. Just because the construct is still there does not mean you have to go inside of it. If you keep ignoring it, your original Memetic Construct will eventually decompose all by itself and will fade away from lack of use.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code RADFREED.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code RADFREED.03
Your fear is an immensely valuable resource on your journey to Radical Freedom. If you are numb to your fear, your Radical Freedom journey becomes yet another fantasy, and you may wake up a year or two later to realise that you have been pretending all time long while in reality, your Gremlin, Child, and Parent ego were in the driver's seat.
By lowering your Numbness Bar with regards to your fear, you get to be in contact with reality.
For this experiment, commit to feeling your fear consciously.
For a period of at least 4 weeks,
- feel your fear from the moment you wake up. As you wake up, instead of suppressing your fear, feel it and let your body shake with it. Let the sounds come. Be with your fear for at least 3 minutes, and let it circulate in your nervous system.
- start every sentence that you speak after you entered a room (physically or online) with other people with "I feel fear because...". As you speak, actually feel your fear and then let the fear speak what you are scared about. Let the people around you know that this is your experiment and that they do not need to fix anything for you.
Note: Nothing changes if you do not feel the fear and only "think" your fear. You will need to experience it from your emotional body.
As you feel and voice your fears, you will encounter emotional fears. Write these down in your list of Emotional Healing Processes at the back of your Beep! Book and go through them with a spaceholder when you notice the necessity (Note: Do not apply pressure).
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code RADFREED.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code RADFREED.04
In order to effectively travel into the realms of Radical Freedom, you need a Team. Your 3cell is your core Team.
Create yourself a 3cell for the purpose of researching and checking in about Radical Freedom together. Start by writing down some of the key elements for your 3cell: Its purpose, the commitments, its Bright Principles, its context. This is the start of your Codex.
Then check who you want to be in your team. Choose two people to start with. Call them up, tell them about your 3cell and ask them whether they will be part of that 3cell. Let them know what they are committing to.
Use your scanner to check who has an authentic Yes and create your team from that information. Keep asking people until you have 2 authentically committed Team members.
Hints: Your 3cell will need to consist of team members who are on their own Radical Freedom journey. For the 3cell to be of value, you will need weekly check ins, and it will be useful to use each other to calibrate reality, share experiments, research and explore the technology that is limiting you to have a real choice.
Keep your 3cell going for the duration of your Radical Freedom journey. Replace Team members where necessary.
After at least 6 months of your 3cell, please register Matrix Code RADFREED.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 10 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code RADFREED.05
Becoming centered and keeping your center is one of the essential basics to be able to be in Radical Freedom.
Part 1: For this experiment, start by noticing your main strategies of giving your center away.
Do you give your center away by resorting to your intellectual body, thinking?
Do you give your center away to a perceived authority figure in the room, even a "spaceholder"?
Do you give your center away to "the space"?
Do you give your center away to the future?
Do you give your center away to the past?
Do you give your center away to what other people might think of you if you do XYZ?
Do you give your center away to money?
Note your strategies of giving your center away down in your Beep!Book so that you can read through this list again. Add to this list whenever you notice how you gave your center away. Do not change anything during part 1 of this experiment, only notice and write it down.
Do this for 1 week.
Part 2: As part 2 of the experiment, keep your center for no reason.
Before you get out of bed in the morning, activate your anger for 3 minutes, then get out of bed with your energic center placed on your physical center. You do this by shifting your center of attention with your intention to your physical center, which is located 2 fingers wide below your belly button, inside your belly.
Place one part of your attention on your center. With this split attention, notice when you give your center away. As you notice that you gave your center away, say "Ooops, I just gave my center away to ..." and take it back by activating enough anger that you can place your center of attention again with your intention on your physical center.
Do this part of the experiment for at least 2 weeks.
After completing the entire experiment, please register Matrix Code RADFREED.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code RADFREED.06
Chances are that you consider your favourite ice cream to still be the same as the one you chose as a 5-year-old or so. This experiment will provide you the freedom to choose your favourite icecream in each moment, as you Minimize Now, hence getting you in touch with experiential reality.
For the experiment, find an icecream parlour that has a big variety of ice cream flavours to choose from.
Before choosing the flavour you will purchase, ask the person at the counter whether you could try the flavours first. If they say Yes, choose the first out of 5 flavours that you will try.
Start by choosing the flavour that your Box hates the most. Then let yourself experience this flavour with all your senses. Notice what happens inside your bodies as you taste this particular flavour. Take your time. Let yourself express with sound if you are loving it (for example "mmmmmmm") or hating it ("yuck!"). If you love it, say "This is my favourite flavour."
Repeat for each of the other 4 test flavours, choosing between flavours that your Box loves and those that it hates.
Then ask to try again the flavours that you had declared your favourite and choose one from those to purchase. As you eat this ice cream, let every taste of it be the same fresh experience as in your test run, and express for each taste if you are loving it or hating it.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code RADFREED.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code RADFREED.07
Dive into a world that follows different laws of physics and get in touch with the reality of such world by learning to scuba dive. The purpose of this experiment is for you to enter experiential reality.
This experiment requires you to commit to doing a full beginner's scuba diving course and learn to scuba dive.
As you learn to scuba dive, notice the complete shift of worlds, the difference of moving under water, what the pressure of the atmosphere and the water do to your body, how the forces work, how your breathing changes, how swimming on the surface of water and being submerged under water is an entirely different experience, and more.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code RADFREED.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code RADFREED.08
This is another experiment to enter experiential reality.
For a whole day, commit to eating every meal with the use of your fingers only - bare hands, no cutlery.
Use the sensitivity of your fingers to discover your food in a different way. Discover its texture and temperature. In the case of hot (cooked) food, notice how cool it needs to be so that you can touch it with your fingers without burning them. Notice what happens with the speed of your eating when you abstain from cutlery. What else do you notice?
Once you finished eating, after each meal, take notes of what you noticed in your Beep! Book.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code RADFREED.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code RADFREED.09
You are having impulses all the time, all day long. Impulses come from your 5 Bodies, your 4 Feelings, your 4 Emotions, your 6 Egostates, your Box and your Being.
In this experiment, for an entire week observe and distinguish where your impulses come from. You do this by placing awareness on your impulses. As an impulse arises, check: Where does it come from?
When you notice where the impulse comes from, name it: "This impulse comes from ..."
Take notes of your research in your Beep! Book. At the end of the week, read through your observations and notice the pattern. Where do most of your impulses arise from, and what are the inidcators?
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code RADFREED.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code RADFREED.10
Before doing this experiment, complete experiment RADFREED.09 first.
Now that you have gained awareness of where your impulses come from, you get to choose which ones to follow.
This experiment goes as follows: Set aside an entire day for following your adult impulses. Make sure you have no time commitments for that whole day.
From waking up in the morning until you go to bed on the dedicated day, do not move unless you notice an authentic impulse, meaning an impulse from your Adult Egostate. The Adult Egostate includes only NOW and is free from stories. If you are involved in stories, voices in your head, or words from the past, this indicates that you are not in the present moment. You are in time - meaning that you are in the past or in the future - and therefore you are not in the Adult Egostate.
For this experiment, it means: Do not move out of bed unless your authentic impulse arises to get out of bed. You might notice a few mental body impulses to drive you out of bed before an authentic impulse arises. Or you may notice a few stories that try to keep you in bed. No matter what, for the whole day, move only from impulses that originate in th epresent moment from your Adult Egostate.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code RADFREED.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code RADFREED.11
Matrix Code RADFREED.12
Matrix Code RADFREED.13
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code RADFREED.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code RADFREED.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!